Tina Reynolds Believes in Metro EDGE


What an honor to be selected to speak at Metro EDGE’s Executive Insight event Tuesday, June 17, at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento. The future of all business depends on our young professionals. My business, Uptown …

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#Cap2Cap14 – An Advantage for Sacramento Region YPs


By: Verna Sulpizio, Metro EDGE Political Action Committee Chair Project Manager, Civitas 2014 marks the 44th year of the Metro Chamber’s Annual Cap-to-Cap Policy Program.  Over 300 delegates from the Sacramento Region, including 62 young …

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The Importance of Giving Back


By: Tonja Candelaria, Public Relations Coordinator, Sacramento Zoo Growing up, my parents taught me that it was important to give back. The wonderful thing about giving back is that actions, both big and small, can …

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Words of Wisdom – Heather Fargo

Words of Wisdom

Heather Fargo Former Mayor of Sacramento Email Heather What are three things you wish you’d known as you embarked on your career? 1. Time goes by really fast. I knew it, I just didn’t believe …

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It’s #Cap2Cap14 Time!


By Emilie Cameron, Chair of Metro EDGE Sr. Public Relations Manager, 3fold Communications Early this morning – at an hour when no one should have to be awake – I gathered my things and headed …

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Gearing Up for #Cap2Cap14


By Emilie Cameron, 2014 Program Chair When I was selected as Chair of Metro EDGE I knew the position would open new doors and provide access yet unseen both personally and professionally. More importantly, I …

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EDGE Spotlight: Being a Non-Profit Board Member


Hello EDGE members, my name is Anne Carlson. As an Edge Philanthropy Committee member preparing for the upcoming In the Mix event, it felt like a natural fit to sit down with my colleague from …

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‘Storm the Boardroom’ with Metro EDGE


By Marycon Razo, Metro EDGE Philanthropy Committee Member It’s been a great start to the Year of the Young Professional! Our region continues to thrive with the support of its vibrant young professional community. As …

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15 Minutes of F.A.M.E. With Maria “Marycon” Razo


Maria “Marycon” Razo Program Coordinator Resources Legacy Fund Where do you currently work, how long have you been there, what do you do? I currently work at Resources Legacy Fund (RLF), an innovative nonprofit organization …

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