Navigating a Career Jump in 2018


By Evan Harris, Communications Committee Bridging the uncertainty of a new career can be one of the first big challenges as a YP. If you’re like me, updating a resume, editing a LinkedIn profile or …

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EDGE’s #NextLevel Giving in 2018


Part of what makes Metro EDGE such an impactful organization is our members’ commitment to philanthropic engagement. 2017 was the year of #DareToInspire, and for the first time Metro EDGE partnered with the Metro Chamber …

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Storm the Boardroom: Meet Team Giving


April’s In The Mix event is themed around “Storm the Boardroom”. This mixer will be focused on providing young professionals (YPs) with the opportunity to give back to the community. Storm the Boardroom will feature …

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EDGEx – Goal Setting in 2018


  March 14, 2018 – EDGEx Webinar This session was prerecorded in February 2017 and is being re-aired. If you have any follow up questions for Jennifer or our Metro EDGE team, please send them …

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F.A.M.E. – Chantel Johnson


Have you met your 2018 Leadership Council yet? Faces of Metro EDGE (FAME, for short) is the perfect way to do it! Here we introduce you to your leaders for the year and give you …

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F.A.M.E. – Michael Weagraff


Have you met your 2018 Leadership Council yet? Faces of Metro EDGE (FAME, for short) is the perfect way to do it! Here we introduce you to your leaders for the year and give you …

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Cap-to-Cap, EDGE Perspective


The start of 2018 brings a new year with endless possibilities…and the close of another engagement season. In case that didn’t bring much change for you in your personal life, let Metro EDGE enhance your …

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F.A.M.E. – Taylor Toledo


Have you met your 2018 Leadership Council yet? Faces of Metro EDGE (FAME, for short) is the perfect way to do it! Here we introduce you to your leaders for the year and give you …

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F.A.M.E. – Alonso Garcia


Have you met your 2018 Leadership Council yet? Faces of Metro EDGE (FAME, for short) is the perfect way to do it! Here we introduce you to your leaders for the year and give you …

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