Social Media Etiquette for the Young Professional


In our fast-paced world of deadlines and meetings, happy hours and dating, family and friends – one of our best ways to stay plugged-in is social media. We love it! But as young professionals, it’s …

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F.A.M.E – Anne Descalzo


Have you met your 2018 Leadership Council yet? Faces of Metro EDGE (FAME, for short) is the perfect way to do it! Here we introduce you to your leaders for the year and give you …

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The Importance of Unplugging


Burnout is a real thing. We all know that feeling of being overworked, under slept and burnt out. There are often many warning signs before the full-fledged exhaustion hits but many of us power through …

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The Benefits of Joining a Non-Profit Board as a YP


Looking to expand your career, meet new people AND give back to your community? Look no further than joining a nonprofit board. A nonprofit’s Board of Directors is the governing body of a nonprofit, and …

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Recap: Issue Immersion Day 2017


Issue Immersion Day is one of Metro EDGE’s biggest events involving regional action and advocacy. As the name suggests, it is a day where EDGErs immerse themselves in a certain regional topic and hear from …

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Three Ways to Improve Your Resume Right Now


Listing all of your accomplishments and experience on a single sheet of paper is no easy feat. Even more complicated is making sure your resume stands out to companies and recruiters. Not to worry, we’ve …

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4 Reasons You Deserve to Take a Break From Your Desk Job


Between building our professional portfolios, attending conferences, networking, rushing to meetings, and making time for our personal lives, burnout can become a stressful reality, and quickly. Here are a few reasons taking a break from …

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The Young Professional’s Role in Understanding and Promoting Diversity


As all young professionals know, diversity is a huge topic in today’s world of business. From large corporations to SMBs, diversity is something that is on everyone’s mind. One of the many reasons for the …

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ATTN: Nonprofits! Ready to help us Storm the Boardroom?


Metro EDGE is currently seeking nonprofits to participate in one of our favorite networking events, Storm the Boardroom. The luncheon is being held at The Society for the Blind at 1238 S Street, Sacramento CA …

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