Why We Love Sacramento

Why I Love Sacramento


I’m a jet-setter.  Or at least I try to be.  I have this need to always be on the go and see as many places as I can before I die.  I want to experience …

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From Downtown to Land Park, Sacramento is home


There are so many things to love about Sacramento – friendly people, plethora of outdoor dining options, farmers markets to name a few. We may not be Los Angeles or San Francisco, but that’s just …

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It’s All About the People


Metro EDGE’s “Why we love Sacramento?” series features some of Sacramento’s most prominent bloggers and what makes Sacramento so special to them. Ashlee Gadd, author of Where My Heart Resides, talks about why she calls Sacramento …

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Why the Kings love Sacramento


A few of our favorite Kings (including Rookie of Year Tyreke Evans) share why they love Sacramento. Go Kings! …

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Why We Love Sacramento


The beautiful trees. The booming downtown scene. The short drives to Tahoe, Napa and San Francisco. There are so many great reasons to love Sacramento. Over the next few weeks, our “Why we love Sacramento” …

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